tirsdag 7. juni 2011

Ludwig and the Councilor

 Ludwig was a poor but ambitious young man who studied chemistry and had a dream of becoming an engineer. He proved his worth and quickly worked his way up. One day he met the Councilor and was offered a job as his private secretary. After some thinking, Ludwig agrees to take up residence at the Councilors villa. At first he didn’t want to give up his freedom, but when the Councilor got sick and bed-laying he had no choice. At the very first meeting Ludwig was very attracted to the Councilor's wife and after a while, they eventually figured out that they were passionately in love. As the Councilors right hand, Ludwig was offered a job in Mexico as the leader of a two years mining operation.  This would give him a better position and a greater wealth. 

Without the Councilor, Ludwig would still be a poor man wandering from food stock to food stock. Instead Ludwig’s a trustworthy and hardworking employer living in a villa. They admire each other, and it’s a win-win situation them both. Even though Ludwig’s secretly in love with the Councilors wife, I still believe he’s loyal to the Councilor. As the Councilor gave him the opportunity as a leader of the mining job to give him a greater position and more money, he was left with a choice: To fulfill the last request of the Councilor, or staying home with his lover. He left his lover, for the benefit of the Councilor. At the end, the love fades away, and Ludwig becomes rich and successful.

tirsdag 16. november 2010

My apology

I apologize on the behalf of Australia
For our prejudice, thinking of you as the third unwanted race.
For our policies that leads to grief, pain and suffering for The Stolen Generations.
For taking away the aboriginal children, from their parents, their own country,

tirsdag 21. september 2010

Analysis of the short-story "Butterflies"

No wonder this is a good analysis, this analysis tells us what's between the lines. For example, when the author explains why the grandfather is so proud about his granddaughter going to school it's because they have no education themselves and are very poor. And it says: "reading the story for the first time, you might not get the message" So it seems. When i saw the main conflict, the contrast between the white and the rich teacher and the poor Maori family. I got another view on the story. The analysis also contains a lot of background research. After reading every paragraph until the conclusion, i think i would be left with the same meaning as the author.

tirsdag 14. september 2010

Something about myself

I'm a boy that enjoys running around in the widows, exchanging pokemón cards, rolling on the floor laughing with my friends, last, but not least riding horses. If someone shares the same interests, let me know!
I live in a castle with a princess, a queen and a white royal horse. I'm praised by all of the citizens and the horses. Waka-waka, I'm off.


Hellopellosellofellobello ..................................................